Concerts! Concerts! Concerts!

ok I am officially addicted to concerts! I’ve been to so many recently that I don’t have time to write reviews on all of them. Nah I’m really just a slacker so I’m putting them all together in one.

So I’m giving you a list of headliners and opening acts with a rating beside it. The rating is for the overall concert experience that the band/artist provided and is on a scale from 1-10, 1 = horrible 10 = excelent.

Here they are in alpha order:

Celine Dion = 4
David Usher = 8.5
Dresden Dolls = 6
Gipsy Kings = 8
Hot Hot Heat = 8
Jackalope = 9
Louis The 14th = 5 (we saw one song but it was cool, need to see more)
NIN = 10
The Future Heads = 2
Theory Of A Deadman = 9
Thornley = 10

I know there are more but I can’t think of them at the moment. If you read this and know the ones I’m missin’ then send me a msg through the contacts page.

Bonnie :)

p.s. it’s the end of may and I’ve already got tickets to see 4 more concerts in the next two months. There are more I want to see but I’m running outta $$$