Having a dandy time

Spring is in full force! The way the temperatures have been lately it’s already starting to feel like summer. This year I feel like I’ve really taken the time to notice the season of Spring. Normally I think of it as the quick rainy season that later brings all the summer flowers. This year we’ve had a good amount of rain, but overall the weather has been warm and sunny. Since I’m not hiding under my rain hat or umbrella, I’ve really been paying attention to my environment. I’ve been noticing the buds appearing on the trees, I’ve watched these buds flower into brilliant shades of purple, yellow and crisp white, then watched them turn into leaves. A process I knew happened, but somehow it always went unnoticed, I just took it for granted. The process was so beautiful that I’m convinced we should get purple and white lilac trees for our backyard for next year.

I’ve also been paying attention to the dandelions in our backyard. Mostly because our backyard doesn’t have any grass, it’s all weeds. So dandelions are having a really fun time there. I love when dandy’s reach their brilliant yellow colour, inviting butterflies to rest on them. But they become really interesting in their old age state, where the petals turn into white fluffy seed umbrellas waiting for the perfect gust of wind to spread them around. The softness of the white fluffy petal is incredible and the texture of the strands and the seeds are complicated but interesting.

Dandelions to me represent the start of summer. The beginning of bright colours and fun wispy textures. What a great time of year!

Happy long weekend everyone!
~ Bonnie :)