Spain Day 10 – Flying Home

*Please note I wrote this while traveling a few weeks ago on February 24th, 2013

It’s 8:30am and I’ve just finished eating some breakfast on my Lufthansa flight from Madrid to Munich, where I will then connect to Toronto. I managed to get about 30 minutes of sleep on the plane prior to breakfast, but man I’m tired. I love flying on Lufthansa, it’s a comfortable German airline and with spacious seats and leg room.

Normally I don’t look forward to flying, however this time I’m looking forward to my long flight home. I think I can use that time to reflect on my experiences from the past 9 days. There are so many things I learned and I want to take my time while I mentally digest them so that I can accurately explain what this trip was like to friends and family when I get home. The other bonus to flying home is I get to see my husband! This is the first time I’ve traveled without him since our honeymoon and next month will be our two year wedding anniversary, lets just say I can’t wait to see him!

Overall I am thankful to my cousin and his lovely family for letting me stay with them and for showing me the beautiful sights and delicious food of Madrid. I am thankful to Romina for a the glimpse into her daily life in Madrid. And most of all I am thankful to Romina and Vaughan Town for the experience I had with the Spaniards and fellow Anglos at Gredos.

This has definitely been a defining moment in my life, something that I won’t soon forget. Spain is a beautiful country, both in the city and the countryside. I highly recommend participating in a Vaughan Town program as a way to give back, meet the people of Spain and as a wonderful way to learn what life is like in this country. Don’t forget to give yourself some extra time on either end of the program so that you can see Madrid or perhaps other areas of Spain.

Spain, I will think of you often and all the wonderful people I met this week. Until we meet again, Nos vemos!

flying over snow covered Toronto Canada