My Music Personality Profile

I took an online quiz a few months ago and I’ve been meaning to post the results because they are very accurate.

Here it is:
You’re a passionate music fan who feels a strong connection to the artists behind your favorite CDs and songs. If asked, you could tell a story about each CD in your collection: not only about what time in your life the music relates to, but also about your relationship with the music itself. You are always on the lookout for new music and artists that express your vibrancy for life. You love to talk about music with your large group of friends and your excitement is contagious. You’re also always eager to hear what others are listening to, hoping to discover great music you haven’t heard before. People often look to you to provide an “expert” opinion — and those who take your advice often end up with new favorite songs or artists.

I wish that I could remember where the quiz was, but I can’t.

I hope you found it interesting, I sure did. It is 100% accurate.

– Bonnie :)